punch-drunk英 [ˈpʌntʃˌdrʌŋk] 美 [ˈpʌntʃˌdrʌŋk]
punch-drunk[ 'pʌntʃ,drʌŋk ]
- adj.dazed from or as if from repeated blows
PUNCH DRUNKPUNCH DRUNKPunch drunkPhilip Seymour : un flamboyant hommage vidéo de 7 minutesRemembering Alexander CockburnA punch drunk jockey?[Punch drunk syndrome due to repeated karate kicks and punches].Dementia in a punch-drunk wifeDementia in a punch-drunk wife. LancetTraumatic Encephalopathy (`Punch Drunk') of Professional Pugilists.Funding, product placement and drunkenness in Punchdrunk's The Black DiamondPunch drunk. Its pathogenesis and pathology on the basis of a verified case.Immersion, ‘smooth’ spaces and critical voyeurism in the work of Punchdrunk