pulmonary vein,pulmonary vein,pulmonary vein是什么意思,pulmonary vein怎么读,pulmonary vein的用法
2025-03-26 12:21:39
pulmonary vein
英 [ˈpʊlməˌneri: vein] 美 [ˈpʊlməˌnɛri ven]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    pulmonary vein

    • n.any of four veins that carry arterial blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart

      同义词:vena pulmonalis


    1. All veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood.
    2. In cardiac operation,it is used for attracting the blood in left atrium through atrial septal or upper lung vein,inserting in left atrium.


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