lamellibranchiataLamellibranchiataLamellibranchiataThe ecology of Mytilus edulis L. (Lamellibranchiata) on exposed rocky shores : II. Growth and mortalityMarine Lamellibranchiata. The Zoology of East GreenlandRegeneration of the inhalant siphon and siphonal sense organs of brackish-water (Baltic Sea) Macoma balthica (Lamellibranchiata, Tel...Contributions to the knowledge of South African marine Mollusca. Part V. LamellibranchiataA Population Study of the Tasmanian "Commercial"Scallop, Notovola meridionalis (Tate) (Lamellibranchiata, Pectinidae)Seasonal changes in condition and biochemical constituents in the soft part of Macoma balthica (Lamellibranchiata) in the Tvärminne...Structure and growth of a high-level population of Cerastoderma edule (Lamellibranchiata)On the Respiration in Scallops (Lamellibranchiata)Some Cretaceous Mollusca from Japanese Saghalin and Hokkaido (Lamellibranchiata and Gastropoda)CRETACEOUS FOSSILS FROM HOKKAIDO : ANNELIDA, GASTROPODA AND LAMELLIBRANCHIATA