Laffer curve[ˈlæfə]
Laffer curve
- n.a graph purporting to show the relation between tax rates and government income; income increases as tax rates increase up to an optimum beyond which income declines
Laffer CurveLaffer Curve법인세율과 개방도의 변화가 법인세수에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석: Laffer curve를 이용하여Financial sector inefficiencies and the debt Laffer curve (p 1-13)Piketty and Krugman admit the Laffer Curve is realCorporate Laffer Curve: ColumnThe Laffer Curve and the Failure of Stimulus SpendingThe Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and FutureThe Laffer Curve and the Faillure of Stimulus SpendingExecutive Summary: The Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and FutureAs The Laffer Curve Hits 40, Why It Still MattersEconomic, Policy, Advisory, Board, Decision, MakingALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index