labor contract renewal[ˈlebɚ ˈkɑnˌtrækt rɪˈnuəl]
Effect of non-renewal agreement in fixed-term employment contracts and Labor Contract Act Article 19A Study on the Legal Principle of the Right of Fixed-term Employees to Expectation for Labor Contract RenewalLabor Law. Effect of Renewal Clause in Contract on Power of State Labor Board to Certify New Bargaining RepresentativeTRACK MAINTENANCE AND RENEWAL - DIRECT LABOUR OR CONTRACT? INFORMAL DI SCUSSIONLabor's Renewal? Listening to the 1920s and the 1930sLabor Studies RenewalDelays in Renewal of Labor Contracts: Theory and EvidenceIncentives and Social Preferences: Experimental Evidence from a Seemingly Inefficienct Traditional Labor ContractDiscussion on Issues of Unfixed-term Labor ContractThe standard and Fulfillment of the Renewal of Employees’Labor Contracts