abbr.million floating-point operations per second 百万次运算/秒;
A 120 MFLOPS CMOS floating-point processorAn 80 MFLOPS floating-point engine in the Intel i860 processor114 MFLOPS logarithmic number system arithmetic unit for DSPapplications114 MFLOPS logarithmic number system arithmetic unit for DSP applicationsA 33 Mflops Floating Point Processor Using Redundant Binary RepresentationA 320 MFLOPS CMOS floating-point processing unit for superscalar processorsA 320 Mflops Cmos Floating-point Processing Unit For Superscalar ProcessorsBetter than $l/Mflops sustained: a scalable PC-based parallel computer for lattice QCDThe 4D-MP graphics superworkstation: computing+graphics=40 MIPS+MFLOPS and 100000 lighted polygons per secondThe 4D-MP graphics superworkstation: computing+graphics=40 MIPS+MFLOPS and 100000 lighted polygons per second