mantlet英 ['mæntlɪt] 美 ['mæntəlˌet]
mantlet[ 'mæntlit ]
- n.portable bulletproof shelter
mantletMantlet Trilogy: DDoS Defense Deployable with Innovative Anti-Spoofing, Attack Detection and MitigationMantlet trilogy: DDoS defense deployable with innovative anti-spoofing, attack detection and mitigationFire control system having laser telemetry adaptable for a mantlet sightFire control system having laser telemetry adaptable for a mantlet sightMoveable Steel Mantlet for the Protection of Artillery and TroopsManaging Concern InterfacesBack‐arc opening and the mode of subductionThe solar wind interaction with Mars revisitedDetailed mapping of a mantle diapir below a paleo-spreading center in the Oman ophiolite