maintenance costs[ˈmeintinəns kɔsts]
MAINTENANCE COSTSMaintenance costsMAINTENANCE COSTSSoftware Complexity and Maintenance Costs.Method to reduce maintenance costs and the carbon footprint in land managementAcquisition and Maintenance Costs in the Long-Term Regulation of Avian Fat ReservesMinimizing development and maintenance costs in supporting persistently optimized BLASMinimizing development and maintenance costs in supporting persistently optimized BLASEnergetic trade‐off between maintenance costs and flight capacity in the sand cricket (Gryllus firmus)Construction and maintenance costs of Mediterranean climate evergreen and deciduous leaves. II. Biochemical pathway analysisConstruction and Maintenance Costs of Mediterranean-Climate Evergreen and Deciduous Leaves. I. Growth and CO₂ Exchange AnalysisElevated maintenance costs in an anuran (Rana catesbeiana) exposed to a mixture of trace elements during the embryonic and early lar...A method for accounting for maintenance costs in flux balance analysis improves the prediction of plant cell metabolic phenotypes un...