nutmeat英 ['nʌtmi:t] 美 ['nʌtˌmit]
ReTain Can Increase Nutmeat Yield of Pecan TreesProcess for producing a simulated nutmeatPROCESS FOR PRODUCING A SIMULATED NUTMEATDetection of Pecan Weevil Larvae in Pecan Nutmeat using Multispectral ImagingDetection of Pecan Weevil Larvae in Pecan Nutmeat using Multispectral ImagingMoisture Sorption Characteristics of Ground Sunflower Nutmeat and its ProductsSpectral characterization of pecan weevil larvae and pecan nutmeat using multispectral imaging.VISUALIZATION OF AFLATOXIGENIC CONTAMINATION OF COCONUT () NUTMEAT (COPRA) USING AMMONIA TREATMENTThe Effect of Mechanical Harvesting and Cleaning Operations on Shell-Breaking and Nutmeat Quality of PecansVisualization of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus contamination of coconut (Cocos nucifera) nutmeat (Copra) using ammonia treatment