nongovernment英 ['nɒn'gʌvənmənt] 美 ['nɒn'gʌvənmənt]
The Corporation as Nongovernment OrganizationSolomon Island Nongovernment Organizations: Major Environmental ActorsRole of faith-based and nongovernment organizations in the provision of obstetric services in 3 African countriesPyramid Markets: The Case of Multinational Enterprise/Nongovernment Organization AlliancesExtension of Standing in World Trade Organization Disputes to Nongovernment PartiesInternational Influence of an Australian Nongovernment Organization in the Protection of Patagonian ToothfishReport of the subcommittee in Inter-Américan Nongovernment Organizations in official relations with PAHOEffective risk communication : the role and responsibility of government and nongovernment organizationsEarthquakes and civil society: A comparative study of the response of China's nongovernment organizations to the Wenchuan earthquakeThe Entrepreneurship Process in Base of the Pyramid Markets: The Case of Multinational Enterprise/Nongovernment Organization Alliances